Aug. 24 2021 GOLF CART TIPS By Gator Golf Cars

Your golf cart’s battery is one of the most vital components of your vehicle and one of the most expensive. A neglected battery is one sure way to damage your cart and exacerbate the problem. Here are few tips to avoid damaging your batteries and instead, maximize its life.

  • Charge the batteries after each use but do not leave it overnight. Charge them no longer than necessary.
  • Check your electrolyte level weekly, add water if needed. (Charge your battery before adding water)
  • Ensure that the battery hold-downs are tight. The battery should not move while the golf cart is in motion.
  • Replace worn insulation or frayed wires.
  • To clean the tops of the batteries and within the terminals,  use one cup of baking soda per gallon of water and clean monthly.

Always read the manual and instructions for your battery. Remember that leaving your golf cart battery uncharged, overfilling, or adding water when it’s not needed can severely damage your battery. Club Car also suggests that owners regularly maintain their golf carts and check for the following semi-annually and annually.


  • Perform regular maintenance on your cart every six months or every 50 hours of operation
  • Check the pressure in your tires and adjust, if necessary.
  • Have a trained technician inspect your vehicle’s brake system, electrical system, front wheel alignment, camber and toe-in. Proper toe-in ensures that the front wheels are pointing slightly inward to reduce wear.
  • Lubricate or have a trained service technician lubricate your charger receptacle, brake system and front suspension.
  • If you have a single-point watering system, manually check or have a trained service technician check the electrolyte levels on all battery cells to verify correct valve operation.

Annual Maintenance

Have a trained service technician check your transaxle and pedal group assembly and lubricate as needed annually or every 100 hours of operation.